Produced by David Carter and AlfanAnt
All Songs written and arranged by McKenna/Favell
*Drug Flowers; Written Ben Salter arranged by McKenna/Favell
*Hands up; Written and arranged by McKenna/Favell/Godillon
Recorded @ Airlock Studios, Brisbane and Soviet Outpost Studios, Hobart.
Airlock Sessions engineered by Yanto Browning
Soviet Outpost:
Producer, lead mixing & engineering: Dave Carter
Engineering & mixing: Jonathan Dieckfoss, Thomas Eyers, Frederic Moll, Geoff Charters, James Holloway, Trai Wells
1. Great Day
Alf and Ant subscribe (mostly) to the age-old premise that attitude has a major effect on the outcome of events. If you wake up, think and believe you will have a great day … you will have a great day! (some not so great things may happen but … Overall, it’ll be a great day)!
“My thoughts lit a spark, that spark fired into a blaze!”
Initial tracking @ Airlock
Drums: Jason Firkin
Bass: Brad Jackson
Lead Guitar: Jason Van Dorrssen
Vox, Electric Guitar Lead / Rhythm, : Alf
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vox: Ant
Further tracking & mixing @ Soviet
Vox, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Lead Electric Guitar: Alf
Backing Vox, Acoustic Guitar: Ant
Backing Vox: Dave Carter, Jonathan Dieckfoss
3. Get Your Hands Up
Completely recorded during the Soviet Sessions. This song was given a whole new lease on life when drummer Yann Godillon added his fantastic Disco(esque) beat! The band sampled the sound of the exploding monitors (see below) and used some amazing guitars including a 125 year old acoustic that was bequeathed to the studio. Some trippy effects took the break down to a new level and Dave dragged whoever was available into the vocal booth for some Backing Vox to take the song out… Everyone basically had an absolute ball recording this song…
Drums: Yann Godillon
Bass: Geoff Charters
Vox, Acoustic, Electric, Lead Guitars: Alf
Backing Vox, Harmonica: Ant
Backing Vox: Dave Carter, Jonathan Dieckfoss, Geoff Charters
5. Southerly
Development is inevitable. It’s sad to see so many places that were once pristine and unpopulated turned into urban sprawl. Inspired by a small town in Northern NSW where Alf used to surf.
This track was initially recorded during the Airlock Session. In Tassie, the intro was changed from electric guitar to acoustic (an accidental deep breathe by Ant bled into the mics as he recorded the new acoustic intro … genius!), Emily Wolfe added her soaring violin lines which gave the song an intimate, yet intense folk feel.
Initially recorded during the Airlock Sessions.
Drums: Jason Firkin
Bass: Brad Jackson
Lead Guitar: Jason Van Dorrssen
Vox, Electric Guitar Lead / Rhythm: Alf
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vox: Ant
Acoustic Guitar, heavy breathing: Ant
Violin: Emily Wolfe
7. Happiness
This track was intended to be the easiest to record as AlfanAnt have been playing this song for years. It turned out not to be the case, Dave’s suggestion to Alf to play the uke with a slightly “drunk” rhythm changed the entire dynamic, turning it from a “party” to a “love” song. Alf played the harmonica simply to keep his place during the vocal take, it stuck!
Drums: Yann Godillon
Bass: Geoff Charters
Vox, Uke, Harmonica: Alf
Backing Vox, Acoustic Guitar: Ant
Backing Vox: Dave Carter, Geoff Charters
9. Patience
The major take-home points of this recording are: Alf & Ant love Country music, the songs all have a story to tell, Patience is no different! Unlike many country songs, there is not a Telecaster in sight of this recording (you’ll have to guess what electric guitars and amps used). In addition, if you get Alf angry during a vocal take he’ll really belt it out on the final verse!
Featuring Geoff Charters in his first bass recording in 15 years! (and of course, he nailed it…)
Drums: Yann Godillon
Bass: Geoff Charters, Dave Carter
Vox, Lead / Rhythm Guitars: Alf
Vox, Acoustic Guitar: Ant
11. Burning Up the Sun
This track has a life of its own. It’s a beautiful ode to Ant’s amazing daughters – free, wild, shining, on fire, kicking serious arse...
Emily Wolfe’s Dirty Three inspired melody lines, heartbreaking vocals accompanied by a haunting piano makes it the perfect bookend to Aurora Australis.
Vox, Acoustic Guitar, Piano: Ant
Violin: Emily Wolfe
Backing Vox: Alf
Not to mention everyone who has ever come to a gig, bought our CD, posted a review, liked us on the socials, listened to us, streamed us, told a mate about us, voted for us, stuck our sticker on something (body parts excluded … Yes, we are talking to you, Dale!) or had a beer and a chat with us …
Alf & Ant
Aurora Australis
This recording would not have been possible without the following people: Sarah George, Clare Archer-Lean, Beth McKenna, Grace-Emily McKenna, Julez Brady, Geoff Charters, Dave Carter, Yanto Browning, Yann Godillon, Brad Jackson, Jason Van Dorrssen, Jason Firkin, Emily Wolfe, Lach Kilby, Ben Salter, Adam Weston, Tabor Carlton, William Bowden. UTAS, Evan Alexander, Jonathan Dieckfoss, Thomas Eyers, Frederic Moll, James Holloway, Trai Wells.
Vox: Ant McKenna, Alf
Backing Vox: Ant McKenna, Alf, Dave Carter, Geoff Charters, Jonathan Dieckfoss
Bass: Brad Jackson, Geoff Charters, Dave Carter
Drums: Jason Firkin, Yann Godillon
Guitars: Alf, Ant McKenna, Yanto Browning, Jason Van Dorrssen
Harmonicas: Ant McKenna, Alf
Keys: Ant McKenna
Tamborine: Ant McKenna
Violin: Emily Wolfe
Uke: Alf
Cover Photos: Sarah George
Mastering: King Willy Sound
2. Head in The Clouds
One of the 1st songs Alf and Ant ever worked together on. It didn’t appear to be anything special but they got so much positive response to the track at gigs, they decided to record it. It is the only track that remains untampered from the Airlock Sessions. The duo somehow were even able to persuade Yanto Browning to pick up Ant’s acoustic guitar and play some beautiful licks! (It was late and we all know things can get weird in recording studios …)
Drums: Jason Firkin
Bass: Brad Jackson
Vox, Rhythm Acoustic Guitar: Ant
Uke, Backing Vox: Alf
Lead Acoustic Guitar: Yanto Browning
4. White Lines
The Soviet Sessions were marked with (amongst other things) manic creativity, sleep deprivation (including Ant being haunted all night every night by a creepy ghost – supposedly) and perhaps too much beer.
A poignant example was Ant and Alf having a “brainwave” at 1.30am the night before final mixing! The two decided to listen to recordings and songs that they were hoping to emulate in one way or another. It was terrible timing but invaluable for the final day of mixing especially when it came to White Lines. “Make it sound like Cold Chisel!” was the call. Ant even stormed in to the booth to bust out some Don Walker inspired piano … under Alf’s control freak instruction of “You get 5 takes! That’s it!” (He busted it out in 3)!
Drums: Yann Godillon
Bass: Geoff Charters
Vox, Lead/Rhythm Guitars: Alf
Vox, Piano, Acoustic Guitar: Ant
Backing Vox: Dave Carter
6. Aurora
This was the first song AlfanAnt recorded that they had never played live, it was brand new! rand new, A tribute to the duo’s second home, Tasmania and their search for the Aurora Australis late at night after Tassie gigs. Yann Godillon channelling the late Keith Moon was something to behold..!
Drums: Yann Godillon
Bass: Geoff Charters
Vox, Lead/Rhythm Guitars: Alf
Vox, Acoustic Guitar: Ant
Backing Vox: Dave Carter
8. Morning Sun
In Queensland, the road from Brisbane to Gympie used to be Old Gympie Road. That road was made there because it was the same track that had been used for years by the region’s original nations including Kabi Kabi (or Gubbi Gubbi) and Jinibara people as well as the Joondaburri (or Djindubari), Turubul and countless other nations whose sovereignty has never been ceded. Both Alf and Ant support all efforts of Australia’s First Nations communities to one day receive the respect and recognition they rightfully deserve.
Airlock Sessions
Drums: Jason Firkin
Bass: Brad Jackson
Vox, Electric Guitar Rhythm, : Alf
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vox: Ant
Soviet Sessions:
Vox: Ant
Backing Vox: Alf
10. Drug Flowers
Ben Salter is without a doubt one of Australia’s greatest Singer/songwriters. Ant and Alf have been fortunate enough to have known him for a very long time. He is not only and incredible talent but he is a generous and gracious human being (not to mention that he too has emigrated from Qld to Tas in recent years!).
Drug Flowers is the only cover song a crowd has ever requested that the duo are willing to play (or been able to play)!
As a side note, this is the track that Dave and Alf blew the control room monitors when recording the guitar solo! Emily Wolfe added those sublime violin melodies! Enjoy
Airlock Sessions
Drums: Jason Firkin
Bass: Brad Jackson
UTAS Sessions:
Vox, Lead/Rhythm Guitars: Alf
Vox, Acoustic Guitar: Ant
Violin: Emily Wolfe
Alfanant’s ongoing adventures would not be possible without:
Sarah George, Clare Archer-Lean, Beth McKenna, Grace-Emily McKenna, Julez Brady, Brad Jackson, Jason Van Dorrssen, Jason Firkin, Lach Kilby, Evan Alexander & Jess McMahon, Stu Watters & Ande, Melissa O’Bryan, Brian & all @ Solbar, Pete Townson & Leishka Gyrgoruk @ the Bison Bar, Annie & the crew at ABC Sunshine Coast, Lucille & the crew at ABC Hobart, ABC Northern Tas, ABC National Live & Local, Nkechi & Tommy @ Triple J Unearthed, Cotton Pony (Megan, Joseph, Tommy, Cameron), Asa Broomhall, Chanel Lucas, Mandi McIntyre, Tim Gleeson, Samantha O’Connell, Qld Music Awards & Q Music, Music Tas & Laura Harper, Sam Coward & crew @ Hot 91 Sunshine Coast, Mix & Sea FM Sunshine Coast, City Park Radio Launceston, The Munnings crew, Darcy & Phil @ Mr Henderson, Everyone at Woodford, Caloundra & Junction Arts Festivals, Angela @ Neurum Creek, our Gold Coast Sylvester family & friends (Julie, Jake, Renae, Jamie), Junior (Pete, Steve & Justin), Kitty & Mike @ Soundcity Port Lincoln, Jackie & Yianni Anifandis, Kaz Grant, Emma Heeney, Michael Meeking, Mike Leach, Michelle Castle Patron Of The Arts, Tim Rozemulder, Richard & The Bug Brisbane, Big Sky Mountain girls, Sally @ The Townie Sydney, Andrew Law, Brad @ The Guitar Den Caloundra, Tin Dragon Cottages, Rohan & crew @ The Guitar Shop Paddington, Jacki & Jez @ The Republic, The Royal Oak crew, Leah Morrow & Northern Tas crew …